.. for all you saavy programmers
The link on this article leads to a great referance on how to understand/use Virtual Memory, and also includes info on how you can use Window's built-in ability to create a guage which monitors the page file more thoroughly than task manager. We have widgets that monitor CPU usage, hard drive space, and ram - but i don't see any in the library that addresses the page file - which is more important in guaging available resources and system taxation than your ram alone.
I'd like to see a widget built that addresses these key areas of resources, specifically the page file. Its size, how much of it is used, and most importantly its fragmentation. You could also tie into this the commit charge total, limit, and peak and sure - why not physical ram itself.
The article should point some people in the right direction, and across the board it is a good read if you want to tweak your computer for max performance.
since i have hard drive space to burn, ive got the maximum sized page file on an empty drive which gives me an extra 4 gigs to use - and amazingly enough i end up using it! But how do i know when that page file is becoming fragmented? thus the widget. This is your chance to make something other than a clock!