i might be throwing myself before the firing line here, but i honestly don't mind when people post their requests for having a turned-down wall paper critiqued by the community. afterall, this is a forum for discussion. yes---you can say its a matter that must be taken up with an admin---but lets face it, the admins are busy; they don't send decline emails out because of the flak they generally get, and by comming to a hub of site activity you know you have a shot at the best of the best reviewing your work.
maybe i feel this way because every other day i spend 8 hours in a studio with my work on a wall, having stones thrown at me from 20 different people. but hearing opinions is what makes your work better; especially finding out what 20 different people like and dislike about it. when everybody flips out 'this is not the place for this question....' i think they're wrong, and it only makes the community here look elitist.
if people here have a problem with this statement, then i offer up my e-mail addie for those that drop by wanting an honest opinion of their work.